Great News For Whatsapp Users – New Whatsapp Feature in 2024

Great News For Whatsapp Users

The most popular social networking program in the world, WhatsApp, has some fantastic news for its users.

The story claims that WhatsApp will launch New WhatsApp feature for iOS users that would allow them to create, edit, and share stickers on their own.

Great News For Whatsapp Users

New WhatsApp Feature

Yes, with this feature, users can now send the occasional meme or instantaneously turn a photo into a sticker to liven up their discussion.

WhatsApp originally unveiled the sticker feature in 2018. The business first released its own sticker pack before enabling the uploading of third-party sticker packs.

But, in order to make their own stickers, users had to rely on other apps up until now. However, the messaging platform will now offer this feature directly within the app, removing the need for these apps.

WhatsApp explained that in order to improve the security of the app’s end-to-end encryption, users would now be able to create stickers directly within the app rather than selecting them from the gallery and sharing them.

According to WhatsApp, iOS users are presently receiving access to this feature. But there’s not any confirmation on when or if Android will get this capability.

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